Meet the Magical, Dancing Birthday Triplets!
CONCEPT: Every morning, Candi, Cookie, and Coco Birthday travel with magical inventor Granny Rosie to her Amazing Magnificent Magical Adventure Factory. Inside one of the imaginative adventures, the sisters bring a magical surprise party to a special someone. It is not until the end of the adventure, that the triplets discover the mystery of who.
VALUES: With a worldwide Facebook following of 18,000 fans, the Birthday Triplets celebrate kindness, bravery, and being our best, much like the spirited personalities of girls today.
INSIDE GRANNY ROSIE'S MAGICAL ADVENTURES: The Birthday Triplets possess a streak of Curious George in their personalities, therefore they find themselves in and out of trouble. Although surrounded by magic, it is the combination of their distinctive personalites, amazing ingenuity, humor and smarts that enable them to surmount any obstacles.